Monday, October 9, 2023

Biden Should Be Ousted By Whatever Legal Means And Sooner Would be Better Than Later

I will say a little about him but truth be told I don't have a lot to say.  Why not? Because it needs little more be said than what has already been written or talked about when it comes to the absolute worst president in U.S. history. He is a bigot, he is a racist, he is apparently a pervert, he is a compulsive liar, he is an egomaniac, he has temper problems, he is probably suffering from dementia and badly at that, he has destroyed the prosperity we had under president Trump (regardless of politics - that is the truth), he does not support the U.S. Constitution, he has said and done some of the most idiotic things imaginable: for one saying that the female impersonators he hosted at the White House were the bravest people ever (fuck his traitorous disregard for our military and disregard for the likes of those who ran into the WTC  to try to save lives on 9/11 but lost their own. Add to that his doing what he did in freeing up 6 billion dollars for the Iranians - all fungible - which allowed them to use other funds to finance the Hamas missile & terrorist forces attacks on Israel; it is no coincidence he just released those billions to them and now the attacks on Israel are supported by them according to Hamas. I could go on and on and on about what he has done wrong but there is little to zero that he has done right so I've got nothing there.
Of course he is not solely responsible. His handlers are probably the ones in power behind the scenes and let's face it - he works at their command and has said it himself at least a few times. If he wanted to get it right, he had the chance and will likely have it again. The next time the Iranian Parliament meets, all he needs to do is put about five cruise missiles into the building, those or a MOAB or two. I say nuke em til they glow but I truly abhor nuclear weapons because, if they are used by one nation ever again, my guess is that will be the beginning of the end of us all (meaning humanity) as other nations indubitably would be sure to follow suit.
All the best,
Glenn B


danielbarger said...

Getting rid of Pedo Joe will get us Kamala the Kommie...who may be worse. The problem is the left totally controls the electoral process and decide who wins what office. And they aren't going to allow anyone they don't approve of to win the White House.

riverrider said...

peaceful means have been eliminated. recently hillary spilled the beans on what comes next. after the 2024 steal, they intend on rounding us up for re-education.