Thursday, June 15, 2023

Why You Should Get Firearms Carry Insurance...

 ...or I guess it would be better called self defense insurance. Colin Noir hits the nail on the head even though this video is obviously a commercial for USCCA. One of the better things he goes over is his take on open carry but don't disregard the need for insurance in the event you ever shoot someone justifiably and then are sued regardless of the legality of it. Judges all too often allow frivolous lawsuits! 
I am a firm believer in such insurance, I have a pretty high level of it with USCCA. Now I am not endorsing them, I am just letting you know that is what I have. I have no clue how good they are but that would be the same with any other insurance company I use for any insurance; you don't know until shit happens. I am also of the absolutely firm belief that open carry - except maybe at the range, while hunting or while inside your own home or on your own property - is one of the stupidest things a person carrying for self-defense can do. Why anyone wants to let everyone know they are armed and thus become a target either for a gun takeaway attempt or to become the first target if they go on a rampage is beyond my comprehension. But then I suppose some folks just have to show off. 
I guarantee, if I wanted to take away a gun from an open carrier, if I have the element of surprise, I could do it fairly easily in at least 75% of situations (if not more) in which one is open carried in a normal manner. Wake up folks, if you carry, you are better off carrying concealed - at least that is my personal and retired professional opinion and my opinion is based on lots of experience and training - decades worth. Here is the video:

I need to watch this guy more often because what I have seen of his other videos has been very good and sensible so far as far as guns go.

All the best,
Glenn B

1 comment:

Birdchaser said...

Two years in a row at Mardis gras here in Mobile an open carrying dummy has had their firearm stolen during a parade. One guy grabs the gun & his buddy pushes the dummy into the crowd.