Friday, July 29, 2022

If Pelosi Visits Taiwan - Maybe China Will Do Us A Favor...

 ...and keep her there or find some other way so that she will never return to the USA. I mean, they certainly gave us a grave warning:
""Those who play with fire will perish by it. It is hoped that the US will be clear-eyed about this," a Chinese readout of the Biden-Xi call said." (source).
Is Pelosi a goer, she's not saying (source) - Know what I mean, nudge-nudge, say no more...
All the best,
Glenn B

1 comment:

danielbarger said...

We're not that lucky. The CCP is bluffing. Trying to see if they can bully us into backing down. You don't start a war....which shooting down such a flight would guarantee....over just
her visiting Taiwan. Beijing is merely trying to see what they can get away with.