Free of Facebook am I. I am well beyond the 14 day grace period they allow for folks who delete their accounts to come back to their site and have all your posts and info intact. I miss it somewhat. After all, it is a decent way to stay in touch with folks who are remote to you and while I miss easily keeping in touch with them - I do not miss the politicization of that social media website nor the hatred espoused by many who use the site. That includes some folks who were indeed my friends, at least up until the point they spewed their overly abundant hateful rhetoric and based almost everything in their daily posting on political divisiveness.
God bless America, or if there is no god, someone else do it please; but there is absolutely no need to hate this country or your once upon a time friends because of political differences.
All the best,
Glenn B
God bless America, or if there is no god, someone else do it please; but there is absolutely no need to hate this country or your once upon a time friends because of political differences.
All the best,
Glenn B
Most folks choose to do on Facebook what you choose to do via a personal blog. Same same, no difference.
Do they do on Facebook the same as what I do on my blog - really? I guess for you to think that, you don't read my blog much nor have you probably read what people with whom I was friends on Facebook had to write there and if you have read either or both – then you just don’t get me. If you did, you would not compare what I write on my blog to being very much alike to what they wrote on Facebook in content or intent.
While I may dislike some folks or some things - you have never once seen me, in my blog, seriously: calling for the overthrow of our government, the elimination of an opposing political party by violent means, hoping someone would kill our president or harm our president, harm other U.S. citizens of a different political ilk than mine, tell someone they are no longer my friend because I hate them because of their politics, unfriend someone or make a friend into an enemy because we merely strongly disagree about something or because the other person replied to my FB post in a challenging manner while trying to get a courteous debate going. Yet, that happened to me on FB more than a few times and was done by people who had been my friends.
Do I tell off impolite, discourteous and disrespectful commenters here - sure I do but that is not the same as dealing with a supposed friend on FB. Note, I am talking about real life friends with whom I kept in touch on FB and do not mean 'imaginary oh I wish you were my virtual reality type of friend' persons.
In addition, when I write about current events and give my views on them, I think I make it pretty clear, either directly or by implication, that I'm either stating fact and or conjecture and or opinion, etc.. The folks whom I could no longer deal with on FB continually stated their opinion as hard cold fact and as always being right as in correct not as in political side). It was as if because they said it, then it was the only truth in the world and if you questioned it you became the enemy. They (the ones I dealt with on FB) did so with any supporting evidence for their claims - no evidence at all such as news articles, historical references, case histories, witness statements and so on.
While I often state my opinion and or fact and do so with conviction, I truly believe I try to avoid that kind of shit here and I usually give references for claims I am making and/or for things I am reporting on. I also will discuss mattes with anyone and generally, in fact 99 of the time, do not hate people just because they disagree with me. Although I may vehemently disagree with their beliefs or convictions, possibly even hate their ideals, it does not usually make me hate them unless they possibly fall into the class of people who want to harm others because of ideals that are in conflict (such as someone wanting to kill me because I believe in the RKBA). Things like that do not make me want to harm others either although I will definitely defend myself, my family, innocents and our Constitution should the need arise and I be legally justified to do so such as in self-defense. I think I have made all of that plain in many blog posts since I began blogging.
So no, at least as I see it, what I do here is not the same as what many others do on Facebook. Please bear in mind, when was talking about why I left Facebook, you will note it was not because of what people with whom I have never been associated did but because of what my once upon a time so called friends did.
All the best,
Glenn B
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