Friday, January 5, 2018

Finger Nowhere Near The Trigger???

Seems someone was shot in his own leg when h holstered his pistol. He reportedly was wearing an Alien Gear Shape Shift Holster. While I have zero personal experience with them I can still say that unless there was something badly wrong with the condition of the holster, on the inside (and one would think there would a photo of that at the accompanying link if such had been the case), then the discharge in question was almost assuredly due to debris inside the holster or to a finger on the trigger or some other form of user error. That is unless of course it was that the pistol malfunctioned but then again the guy who was shot has already pretty much negated that last possibility. More at the source.

Under certain circumstances, such as coming up short as to any evidence to prove the holster and/or gun were faulty, I could understand someone giving the person who was shot this advice:

"Man up, admit you were an asshole and that you and you alone were responsible for shooting yourself due to your own negligence. By admitting that to yourself, you may live longer if only because by taking responsibility now, you may wind up being more responsible in the future."

All the best,
Glenn B

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