Thursday, June 16, 2016

When Politicians Lie To The Citizens...

...of this country in order to push their political agenda, it should be law that they are immediately removed from office. Of course, a law like that will never pass because it is the politicians who would have to legislate it. Imagine though, a world in which politicians were held accountable for the trash that spews out of their mouths and their lies to us. Take for instance the total arsehat who said that an AR-15 (a semi-automatic rifle that is not in reality an assault rifle) can shoot 700 rounds per minute (source). It is absurd to think that, let alone to say so to push a political agenda at a time of grief like now. I guess though, that is what politics has become, a competition to see who can pass the most bullshit onto the public while not letting a tragedy go to waste and then gain that very same grief stricken public's support because they were bullshitted at a time of vulnerability.

Also try to imagine a world in which someone running for office would be removed from office immediately upon showing he lied during his campaign. We might be able to do away with politicians completely if such a law was enacted; I mean which one of them has not been full of crap while making campaign promises they never intended to keep. If only I could find a politician to sponsor such a bill!

All the best,

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