Saturday, January 16, 2016

So Much For The Alaska Bound Ruger 44 Magnum Fund

GoFundMe pulled the plug and deleted my Alaska Bound Ruger 44 Magnum Fund campaign. I was under the belief that this happened before it received even a single donation; however, the widget I installed on my blog page on the upper right side says that 50% of the desired funs were already collected. Yet, when I go to their payment site, WePay, it shows a zero balance. If anyone donated, please get in touch with me with the specifics ASAP. You can either leave a comment for this post or you can email me by clicking on View My Complete Profile (in the red sidebar on the right) and then on the provided email link within my profile. Sorry about this but I had missed that they prohibit collecting for money for firearms.

January 16, 2016 at 1722 hours, edited to add: GoFundMe has been in contact with me and assures me the account balance is zero and no donations were made.

Oh well, as usual, I will have to do it the old fashioned way and work for the money for a bit of bear protection in the form of a Ruger 44 magnum revolver.

All the best,
Glenn B

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