Monday, March 16, 2015

Got Your Own Website - Let Me Pick Your Brains

Here I go again, toying with the idea of getting my own website on which to post my blog, instead of staying here at Blogger. I must admit that Blogger has its advantages, perhaps the primary one being it is free (at least dollar-wise). Being on Blogger also has its disadvantages, one of the main ones being that they can delete my blog whenever they choose without warning and I would lose anything I have not backed-up (which would be at least a month's worth of blogging right now as I poke away at the keyboard).

With that in mind, I am curious to hear from those of my readers who have their own websites. I'd like to know what you guys think are some of the advantages of having your own site to host your blog and I'd also like to know what are some of the disadvantages.

Please also let me know if you own the domain name and web address for your site and if so, is there something extra that needs to be done to assure that as opposed to the web-hosting company owning the rights to your domain name and address. Along that line, what companies offer, BS free, web hosting plans that guarantee that you own your domain name and web address? As far as cost, I am looking to spend no more than about $15 per month but would pay somewhat higher if that is par for the course.  So, anything you can share with me along those lines would be helpful.

All the best,
Glenn B

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