Just a few pics of Mimi showing the aftermath of her trip to the emergency vet after she was attacked by our larger mutt Roxie. Mimi weighed in at 13.5 kilos at the vet last night or 29.7 pounds. Roxie is easily between 60 to 65 pounds and may be heavier as she has gained weight recently. Roxie was relatively uninjured with a couple of what seem to be superficial wounds on her forelegs. Mimi has at least 7 stitches in wounds to the skin's surface layer and also has more subcutaneous stitches, in at least two spots that for some reason the vet did not number in his report. So at the very least 9 stitches. One of those was not bandaged on her left hind leg. The rest are covered by the purple bandages. The red bandage, on her right foreleg, covered where she had an IV (I removed that today). She also had some other puncture wounds they did not stitch, and she has two drains, one in the inguinal area and another in her neck. I am guessing that a lot of her flesh, under the skin, was crushed and possibly torn by Roxie's gripping bite.

As for my daughter and wife who were both bitten while trying to break up the dogfight: My daughter's finger is okay or as okay as it can be right now. My wife's hand may be another story. It was pretty swollen and very painful this morning and I recommended she go to a doctor to have it checked again because of the swelling and to ask for some pain meds because there is no way that Motrin is going to be enough at least over the next few days. Of course, she hasn't done that because she knows better.
As for Roxie's, she is back home but is locked up in the biggest bedroom for now. She will not be allowed free reign in the house for an indeterminate period and we are considering getting rid of her - maybe adopt her out to someone who would have her as their only dog or maybe something else. Who know, we may keep her but will have to figure out what led up to this fight and how to tame it. I am thinking if we do keep her, my wife will have to start carrying pepper spray in case this ever erupts again. It has happened twice, with only minor injuries the first time a year or two ago. Both times it happened it was when my wife had them just outside in the yard as she was putting on their leases to go for a walk. They get pretty excited before their daily walks but I am pretty sure that even if in another tear em up kind of a brawl, the pepper spray in their faces would end it quickly.
All the best,
Glenn B
1 comment:
Hi Glenn, Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
I wanted to leave a note about dogs fighting:
Quite a few years back we had a large fenced back yard, and two large dogs, a German Sheperd, and a Doberman Pincher. The Dobe was very jealous and a lot younger, (though he weighed #110). The Dobe would out of the blue attack the #70 Sheperd and sometimes it got very serious. At one point the Dobe had the Sheperd by the throat on his back, and was choking him to death, I ran out with a bottle of Ammonia (first thing I could find after I got a leather glove ripped off my hand) I grabbed his collar and poured a half bottle of ammonia in his mouth and nose, before he let go. After that incident, we got rid of the Dobe. Both of them were males, bot were great with the kids, but the Shepard had senority.
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