Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back In The Groove...

...and hopefully will stay out of the rut, at least as far as blogging has gone for me over the past few days. I imagine it is a good thing that for me to have rekindled my interests in getting my blog posts out with a bit more regularity and getting back to some more firearms, booze, current events, related posts has also been a plus.

I hope to keep it up, seems my interests have been picking up in many things lately as I wean myself off of the pain meds I have been taking for months. I did not realize how much of an effect they had on me psychologically and physically but am beginning to realize it now. I think that they really were a big contributing factor in my being in a damned deep rut for the past few months. Of course, battling cancer adds a lot to that too. Still though, I am amazed by what I imagine were the unrealized effects of the Oxycodone and Hydrocodone I was taking. Now I am way down on the meds and things in my life are getting up again. Yes, take that last as you may and maybe you would guess right as to my meaning!

All the best,
Glenn B

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