Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gun Maintenance & Cleaning Tonight

I qualified for my agency on Monday and need to clean my guns since I neglected to do it at the range. Shame on me for not getting it done sooner.

For the last hour or so though, I have been fiddling with a tactical 2 point sling that was given to me for my Remington 870 shotgun. There were no instructions with it, the sheet that did come with it said to go to the company's website to see the instructions. At the site, they had a lot of links to instructional videos but while a media player type screen popped up, for each link, and said "ready" each time, nothing would play for any of the 'how to attach to this or that gun' videos, likewise for the 'how to use' videos. I sent them an email and hope they will reply by sending me instructions. I figure I have attached it properly but do not want to take a chance that I have not gotten it right.

As for the pistol cleaning, have to clean the Glock 26 and the SIG 229. Not much time for anything else before I hit the hay.

All the best,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Glenn

It's okay. The good thing is that you finally realized that your gun needs to be serviced. I'm a firearms training instructor and I know the importance of cleaning the firearms once in a while can be a matter of life and death.

Scott Edvin
MA Gun License