Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I was just watching Fox News and they reported on some new toys expected to be released sometime in 2011. One of them was basically a remote controlled blimp of sorts. It is shaped and colored to look just like a shark, well just as much like a shark as a toy balloon can look. The thing about this balloon is not only is it helium filled so it floats in the air, but it also is remote controlled and it appears to swim through the air propelled by waves of its tail fin.

Okay, sounds like a kinda fun, maybe even kinda scary, kids toy. I just can't wait to see who will be the first moron to bring it to the beach, my guess is that it will make the news. Hopefully it will either be released soon, well before the summer season begins so folks will be aware of it well before summer, or they will wait until after the summer has ended. Otherwise, I can just imagine the scene something like this could stir up at a crowded beach if it goes air swimming by, just above the water's surface, and just one person yells "SHARK" and starts to flee the surf.

All the best,

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