I am at my sister and brother-in-law's house watching my nephew. His mom and dad had to head up to MA for a family emergency. I came out last night to kid-sit D-----. He is 9 and his mom told me he is in the dark on it all. Then again, he just told me his parents went up to MA because his grandpa is very sick (and he understood exactly how sick). We sometimes hope we can keep certain things from them but nah they always have a way of knowing what is going on more than we think we let on. But anyway we kept our mood festive tonight if for nothing other than his sake.
So - our situation then was one of guy's night at home with none of the fairer sex, and will be the same for the day tomorrow after school. That made for a good dinner for us men tonight. We did not have to do it mommy's way - we did it
After dinner D----- got his fingers looking as if they had been dusted with snow as he put away a fat donut sprinkled all over with fine sugar powder. Now he had to work for his dessert too because he did not get one bite of it until he helped me clean up. He cleared the table, threw away the trash, wiped of the table with a damp sponge, and rinsed off some of the dishes. Again he did not seem to happy having to do all that but when he got to being finished he got himself that donut. He sure looked to have enjoyed it. After that, he cleaned up a final time, then was back to the video game. I'll have to work on the video game thing - not too much - I like em myself - but enough to assure that when we get away on a man's adventure together someday he will not miss them too much when faced with telling stories around a camp fire.
Not a bad night. Some day D----- and his dad, and Brendan and I, will all have to go on that camping trip I just hinted at and do some more manly things without any of the potential for incessant nagging, pestering and nurturing from the womenfolk. Note, I said potential for those things because whether womenfolk actually do that or not it is important for them to think we men believe they do so. That is just as it is important for us men to think womenfolk believe us all good for nothing loafers. It does not have to be so - we just need to believe it. Why? Where would the world be if men did not think such of women and women did not think such of men and both truly believe it? There would be little to no excuses to get away from one another if we all believed each other was perfect and thus there would be no fun in the getaways because there simply would be no getaways! So I just keep believing as does my wife too, as do most men and most women that the opposite sex is just a pain in the neck and that we all need time away from one another now and then and the world is a better place for it. It may not be based on reality, then again maybe it is. Either way it does not matter - what matters is what we believe it and thank goodness for blind faith is all I can say.
Well now, back to us and our camping trip get away from the women in our lives. Who knows, we may go for a hike, go fishing, actually catch some fish, gather some wood, build us a campfire, wait for it to burn down to embers, clean the fish while waiting for the fire to burn down, then fry those fish we caught over the embers. I am willing to bet that all the while we are getting those fish to being ready he will complain that he doesn't like fish. And when the other three of us get to eating them, I would bet his brain will start to realize that all the while they were cooking over the fire his mouth was watering. All it will take will be one bite and he will be hooked for life. Then, after we are done eating all those fish we just cooked up, and in the absence of television and video games, we will get down to tell some tales, that we will swear are true and not too tall, as we sit back and enjoy an icy cold root beer by the light of the fire that we just stirred back to life and added more wood to. After that, when away from the fire but hopefully well before we are snug and warm in our sleeping bags, we may do something else that I just did while sitting here. Pardon me but those beans sure work fast....and I had better go open a window. After the air is clear I need to see that the youngster heads off to bed to dream about a camping trip or something like that. And to think - his mom - my sister - thinks I am putting some off the wall ideas into this young boy's head when all I am really doing is enjoying some quality time with my nephew! Those off the wall ideas, they can wait for the camping trip.
All the best,
Glenn B
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