Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh My Achin Back... hurts so much, along with my neck and shoulders, not to mention most of my joints, that I have decided tonight will definitely be a good night for a good stiff drink - or two - or three. I went to see a rheumatologist tonight but only got to see the doc's PA. She had a number of x-rays taken and told me the great news. I have disc problems and arthritis in my neck that have worsened since last x-rayed (from an old injury most likely), I have arthritis in my spine that was not there about 2 years ago when last x-rayed, and I probably have bursitis in my right shoulder. I already know I have it in my left shoulder. In addition she is checking me for Lyme disease because the reason I had an appointment in the first place was pain in my joints. The neck, back and shoulder pain all flared up strong after I had already made my appointment for the joint pain in general. She also told me that last time I was there I was diagnosed with low iron levels. That was news to me tonight, but I am pretty sure that my iron levels are normal now because I recently had blood work done and was told all was normal.

She gave me a prescription for some sort of anti-inflammatory and for Nexium because anti-inflammatory meds screw over my stomach. She also gave me some samples to start me off. She also suggested a shot of cortisone which I hemmed and hawed about and she did not give me yet. She said if it gets worse she can still give it to me. I said not to worry because I was planning on having a shot tonight, a shot of another sort. She said not with that anti-inflammatory stuff I am not. I said okay. I meant it too. I will hold off on the medicine until tomorrow and try the booze first. It has worked like a charm in the past and after all the good news, I need a drink. Now to choose between potato vodka, or Irish whiskey with a couple of beers on the side. Then again just straight whiskey might do the trick. Decisions, decisions!

All the best,
Glenn B

Side note: I just realized that today is one week short of a year from when I was diagnossed with Lyme disease. That coincidence itself calls for a stiff drink. Hopefully I don't have it again.


Rita Loca said...

Oh man! I am so sorry. This is something I can relate to.
I have stomach problems with the anti inflammatory meds too.
Are the effected discs upper or lower? Mine are all lower but the RA is getting everywhere else,lol.
I trust you get some relief and find something that will work for you. I have often asked for sleep aides over pain meds. I find that if I can get a descent night sleep I can handle the pain better.

Glenn B said...


Thanks for your concern.

Truth be told, nothing helps. Not aspirin, not Motrin, not the meds the doc gave me. A nice big perocet might help, but I doubt the doc will be giving me any of them although I will be calling the doc on Monday or Tuesday to ask for a prescription for something else. Sleeping pills do not work much either, the pain has been too bad. I suppose time and physical therapy will help, that is along with a good stiff drink of whiskey (which I really am avoiding too other than maybe one night a week).

All the best,

Rita Loca said...

I know how that pain can be. Do you have sciatica? When my back is really bad I do have to take vicodin just to not kill myself. And I say that half jokingly.
I have to take something every day and end up on hard meds a few days a month it seems. Usually when I over do.
I am going to a pain management clinic in March because I hope I can find something besides medications. Perhaps a tens unit.
Having delivered my babies naturally, one weighing in at nearly 10 lbs.
I know the pain is bad. I end up down on my back a few days of each month it seems. Sadly, I cant use that time to write because I don't trust myself!LOL.
I once left terrible comments all over the blogaspere because the vicodin made me quite vicious!
Hey ,if the whiskey gives relief and you need to sleep...

Glenn B said...

No sciatica althoughI had a disc removed years ago down low and had it then. This time it mostly is neck, right shoulder, upper and mid back. Add to that almost every joint in my body aches. Go figure but I do need some pain meds at least for a few days I think. Hopefully it will pass as it usually does if I get joint pain, but this is lasting much longer than usual in the neck, shoulder and back. Oh well, I may crack the bottle tonight.

No vicodine for me though, had a bad experience with it once - actually caused me to see a raging fire in my living room that I knew could not have been there. Only lasted a second but was scary enough to realize I will not soon use that stuff again.

All the best,