Thursday, October 18, 2007

An Unexpected Post... in a post received via the U.S. Postal Service, arrived at my doorstep today. It was mail from my old high school - St. Francis Prep, so I figured it to be junk of no interest to me. They send me things now and then, like a school newspaper, an invitation to a fund raiser, or a solicitation for funds (that is usually what they send), but what I received from them today shocked me almost beyond belief. The envelop was about the size to fit a normal greeting card. As I opened it, I realized it did in fact contain some sort of a card. When I pulled it out and took a look it appeared to be an invitation. In fact that is exactly what it was, an invitation from the Alumni Association for an alumni get together in April 2008. Then, as I read a bit further, my jaw dropped. I have been invited to attend the class reunion for my graduating class, the class of 1973, and therefore the 35th anniversary celebration of my graduation. Just when my day had been going along pretty good, someone from out of my past had to remind me that I am an old fart getting along in years more than I would like to admit. Wow it sure has been a long time since my last day in high school. Maybe I should talk the wife into going, and we can both get a good laugh at the stories I am sure will be told about those care free, kind of psycho days, in an all boy's Catholic high school. There were some wild times indeed. I'll really have to consider attending even though I have shunned such events in the past. It might do me a bit of good to see some people from my past, or at least wind up as interesting anyway. Hmm, time will tell.

All the best,
Glenn B

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