Saturday, January 20, 2007

Silence of the Pigs

With Bizarro World Upon us - How Far Could Silence of The Pigs Have Been Away From Us?

Well, apparently not far enough it seems. See the article Vancouver Pig Farmer Accused of Murdering Six Women @,2933,245118,00.html. Before you go there to read it thoguh, please be advised that reading it may well get you sick, and I mean that.

It is an article about a suspected serial killer, who allegedly lured young prostitutes to his pig farm, killed them, and possibly: disposed of the bodies by cutting them up, putting them through a wood chipper, and feeding them to his pigs. It is also about how the authorities in Vancouver, Canada (city of free roaming prostitutes, at least the last time I was there back in 2001 anyhow, they were all over the place) pretty much completely ignored the fact that a number of prostitutes had gone missing and that some clues pointed toward the pig farmer. That is, they allegedly ignored the clues until they went to his farm to serve a search warrant for an illegal gun, and they then came across ID cards and other items that belonged to some of the missing women. Then they got a search warrant to look for evidence of the missing, and they came up with body parts. Amazingly this apparently was going on for years.

If this guy is convicted, I say cover his body in pig slop and feed him to his own swine while he is still alive.

Beyond Bizarro World indeed.

All the best,
Glenn B

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