Friday, November 3, 2006

Denmark is doing something right... its apparent view at terrorism, and Islamo Facism. The reason I say so is because they came in second on a poll of enemies of Egypt, which coincidently is a predominently Muslim state; see this artiicle: Denmark 'Egypt's foe', says poll . Hmm, I wonder why the Egyptians dislike the Danish so much? Maybe it is because the Danes have the balls to realize that they have an official language which is not Arabic, they have a culture which is not Arabic or Muslim, those from Muslim nations residing in Demark are aliens and can get citizeship only if they abide by Danish law not by Sharia law, if the aliens do not want to assimilate into Danish culture and follow Danish laws and speak the language of the land - well then they can get out or be kicked out. My hat goes off to Denmark. It ios about time we do the same here in the USA.

Best regards,
Glenn B

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