Incredibly Problemtic is how a retired U.S. Lt. Colonel describes the result of Biden allowing Ukraine to fire missiles deep into Russia. What do you think he means by that!
I only watched that video shortly after I entered my last blog post immediately prior to this one. I guess the colonel and I kind of, sort of, almost think alike about this issue.
My great grandfather seems to have been right when he in sum and substance told me if you want to go to war, elect a democrat.
Praying for peace but preparing for war may be the way to go
All the best,
Glenn B
1 comment:
If you want peace, prepare for war.
There are two ways to go about this. Be the dragon or the scorpion.
Like the dragon, if you are stronger than the combined might of all of your potential adversaries, you will not be attacked.
Like the scorpion, if you are weaker than your opponents but are very capable of striking a fatal blow before being destroyed, you will not attacked. The fatal blow need not be immediate.
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