Wednesday, August 23, 2023

is President Biden...

 ...just a egotistical, self centered, clueless moron or is he an insulting nasty sack of shit manure or is he all of those. I opt for all of those. They need to put a extra large bit in his mouth and rein him in hard whenever he starts to compare anything to a completely incomparable event - that is real, exaggerated or totally made up fiction - that he claims was something he experienced within his lifetime. Why that should be done is to spare us from having to be inundated by his BS (Biden Shit).

He, I think, should be ashamed of himself for what he said while speaking in Hawaii about the devastating wildfires in there (read his outlandish comments at the source). Then again, likewise for hundreds if not thousands of bogus and nasty things he has said during his years in politics. Of course, he is incapable of shame or so it seems to me.

All the best,
Glenn B


riverrider said...

there are at least two of them. their gate, hairline, ear lobes, skin tone, posture, all are different not to mention the change in mental clarity from appearance to appearance.

Trumpeter said...

Molesting your tween daughter by surprise when she is in the shower will tend to immunize you to morality.

Glenn B said...

Did Biden do that? I had no clue but sounds like him!

riverrider said...

according to her diary, which she admitted was her's. and he has a creepy relationship with his niece or grand-daughter, i can't remember her relation...she follows him around to speeches and gives him a big ol' wet kiss on the lips when he finishes the script. yuck!

Glenn B said...

I would not have thoght he could be much worse that my previous opinion of him but once again I have been proven wrong. What a despicable low life is he!!!