Thursday, June 15, 2023

Biden = Either A Blithering Idiot or...

...a man whose brain is riddled with dementia or some other form of incapacitating mental disease OR BOTH, in my opinion, and he needs to be given mental heath testing and to be removed from office immediately, as I see it.

I have several years experience not only of my mom having dementia but of me visiting her and other patients so afflicted in an assisted living facility. When I visited her, and I did so fairly frequently, I tried to associate with and cheer up other patients in the same ward(s) as hers. Too many of them, as I was informed by the staff, hardly ever had visitors, if at all. I often shared the dinner table with them, sang karaoke a couple or few times, brought them snacks, wheeled some around when they needed help, talked to them and maybe most importantly listened to them. I listened and empathized even (or especially) when they sadly thought I was their husband, a long lost lover, a friend of decades or a family member. I also listened to their life stories or at least bits of them in memories of years gone by.
I learned by listening to them, and by treating them nicely, to better deal with my mom when she thought I was someone other than myself. Instead of becoming frustrated I'd just correct her and we'd usually laugh off her mistakes. She like all the others there went in and out of reality often, pretty much just like President Biden seems to do way too frequently and thus cannot do his job properly.

The thing is, with President Biden he is supposed to be the man with his finger on the pulse of the world and with nuclear codes at his fingertips. It is not like we are going to be laughing off the third world war should his handlers slip up and he pulls a Dr. Strangelove / General Jack D. Ripper move.

He has been badly off, I believe, since early in his presidency and is getting worse as each day rolls on by. He almost constantly makes up tall tales about his life, his nonexistant accomplishments like his college grades and such, his work in the Senate, his upbringing, his family (such as about how his son died), his own reputation and on and on. He repeatedly cannot remember the names of important world leaders, says truly absurd things about U.S. policies and is all too easily angered when questioned by reporters or voters. He is often found to be holding a script when giving talks or press releases and has even been caught with a list of reporters to call on and the exact answer he should give to what appear to be pre-selected questions the reporters will ask. That is and can only be attributed to the fact that his handlers know him to be incompetent due to mental illness as I see it.

One of his latest screw-ups, if not the actual latest, is that he said he, or the US, plans to build a railroad from the Pacific across the Indian OCEANS.
 "We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean," More at the source
Him having said that alone should be more than enough to force him to take a mental health exam. Add everything else I mentioned above plus things like: him getting seemingly lost on stage, his falls and other accidents, his muddled bumbling public speaking attempts, his repeated claims that he will get in trouble if he goes off script, his repeated evident instances of going off script, his seemingly incessent lying, his laughing at things that are truly not at all funny and his outbursts of anger - among other things - and it is painfully obvious he is unfit to serve.

One has to wonder, well one with a working brain needs wonder, who are his handlers and why do they keep this evidently mentally deficient incompetent in office!
My first guess would be because if they take him out of office, look who takes his place. That would be the word salad champion of the universe, a woman who it seems cannot speak about almost anything without breaking out in a manical type of laughing fit!
It is almost enough to make me want to believe in a God almighty who would answer my prayers for heaven to help us get Joe Biden the mental health care that I, and many others, believe he needs.
All the best,
Glenn B


danielbarger said...

A blithering idiot OR demented? You do realize that BOTH are possible.

SteveP said...

Embrace the power of and.
Joe was a nitwit before his brain turned to mush.

riverrider said...

yeah, steve's right. he sold his own driveway one time. no joke, look it up.

Jen said...


I agree.
It is no longer about him as the president. This is about the humanity of a nation that allows this ill of a person be used as political fodder. We have a responsibility to our people especially the very young and very old. How we treat them is a reflection on the pulse of the country.

I believe we are far worse than any can comprehend. This is not FDR hiding his polio, his mind was sound, or Wilson to which many understood his issues, this is a president that was in decline when they placed him in office.

His wife should be ashamed of herself as should everyone in his circle, but of course absolute power corrupts absolutely, so they will say nothing.
