Friday, February 19, 2021

Officer Fires 12 Shots At Attacker...

...before dropping him and my guess is all of them hit. A friend of mine just sent me the link to an article and video of a police officer (or deputy) in Maryland shooting an apparently crazed guy who attacked him with a stick breaking it over the cops arm, all while the guy seemingly, to some, had a smile on his face. The officer allegedly tried his TAZER to no avail, then fired at the guy as he, the officer, backed away with the bad guy repeatedly trying to hit him with what remained of the stick. Reportedly the bad guy had also rammed a couple of vehicles before the officer arrived. 

The video is graphic and the commentary from the guy who made the video is filled with some cursing but I recommend you turn your sound on anyway. It shows, no matter how supportive is the public, many will not help an officer in such a situation. The guy making the video also states what is the bottom line in this case and says it more than once.

Good shoot as far as I can see - every shot he fired should be included under the header GOOD SHOOT when Internal Affairs investigates! 

Note, the guy was not grinning, as he appeared to some to be doing, anymore when he hit the ground and was writhing around. One has to wonder what were his thoughts at that moment, maybe something like: 'Why did I do that, I want a do over'. 

I do not know if this officer's department had been at all defunded but if so all I can say is thank goodness the police were not defunded to the point of not being able to supply ammo to their officers.

Good job officer - now get yourself into counseling. Then consider retiring. You look old enough to be a granddad - if so go enjoy your grand kids and or go fishing or something; it may be time to call it quits in this day and age of anti-cop hatred. Retirement is grand, take it from me.

More info at this link. Says the officer is a Sgt. on the job for 18 years, currently assigned to the Civil Section. He certainly did not act like a desk jockey - I must say he did it right in my professional and personal estimation. He may need another couple years before retirement and that would be a shame since he's earned it already - every penny of it.

All the best,
Glenn B



Old NFO said...

Yep, good shoot! And proves the 'fallacy' of 1 shot stops, or you only needing 5 rounds.

Matthew W said...

"That's the shit I like to see, you thought your ass was privileged."

So the stupid guy doing the filming (stupid because he doesn't know the correct way to hold his phone while filming) is only encouraging the LEO to shot because the attacker was white??????

Glenn B said...

No, I think the guy who shot the video was not so much encouraging the officer to shoot the guy because the guy was white, let's face it the officer was white too so why not encourage the guy to beat the cop to death being he was white and add to that that he was a cop (you know those guys accused of super-systemic racism and that they kill blacks like every minute or so BLM would have us believe). I think he was encouraging him to shoot the guy because he was sick and tired of people being violent dicks and getting away with it. That he said the guy thought he was privileged may well have been correct - not only as to white privilege but as to being an arrogant piece of shit college professor looking type who thought he could get away with hitting the cop like that. Of course, that's just my guess, I suppose we will never know why he said exactly what he said, may have just been the jargon he is used to hearing and thus we may never know why he urged the cop to shoot (could be what I said, what you said or that he just wanted a gory video). I'd sure to like to watch and listen to an interview of him on that subject. As for hold the camera the right or wrong way, I think he actually held it the better way (vertically as opposed to horizontally) for what he was videoing. There was likely nothing to the left or right that mattered and as they approached his vehicle he would have missed a lot had he held it horizontally since they filled the screen from top to bottom more so than side to side. Regardless, of which way would have been better, he made an excellent video under the conditions and with him being as excited as he seemed to be, at least I think so in this case. Anyway, I'd sure like to see an interview of him.