Monday, June 5, 2017

Kathy Griffin Will Never Be As Good At It As Is Hillary Clinton

To have said that Donald Trump broke her and a bunch of old white guys are trying to silence her as an apparent way of getting people to ease up their criticisms of her for holding up a seemingly bloodied head of our president is though beyond the scope of how badly most leftists and liberals blame the other guy and shirk responsibility for their own transgressions and faults. Source.
Yet, as hard as she evidently tries to blame someone else for what she did or for being the cause of what she did - the plain and simple truth is that she did it and it was at the very least repulsive if not criminal as well. It is much the same as with Hillary Clinton outright blaming her loss in the presidential election on just about everyone imaginable, and some not imaginable. I think though that Griffin will never attain the mastery that Clinton has achieved in blaming the other guy - she, to me, is the all time master of it.
All the best,
Genn B

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