Saturday, July 2, 2016

How I Wish I Lived In A Pro-Gun Rights State

I have put in several job applications over the past few days. As I said in an earlier post I cannot stand my current job because it entails assisting essentially illegal aliens whom the Obummer Administration has made legal without proper vetting. Anyway, no replies to my applications yet, I suppose most though would come, if they do at all, after the Independence Day weekend.

The jobs I have put in for are nothing special. I have few special skills that are useful in the workforce except in law enforcement. of course, I have one skill at which I believe I am pretty darned good, one that I could use in a gun free state to help me find employment and that is the fact that I have been a certified firearms instructor for many years. Here in NY though, while not impossible to find employment that requires those skills, it is almost so. Heck, I cannot even instruct folks how to shoot a pistol here unless they have a pistol license and own their own handgun. NY considers it illegal for me to hand my pistol over to another adult to let them shoot it. The insanity an the paranoia of the anti-gun leftists in NY is amazing. Thus, I will likely settle for a job that is not necessarily one I will like.

All the best,
Glenn B

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