Saturday, July 18, 2015

New Militarized Police Uniform Has Prisoners Surrending in Droves

Crime, in the tiny country know as the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, has skyrocketed and the jails are being filled faster than ever before all because of the new military style uniforms issued to Grand Fenwick's all female police department. Criminals are turning themselves in at a rate never before witnessed anywhere in the world. As for crime skyrocketing - it seems once law abiding men are turning to a life of crime just to be arrested. It has been predicted by Grand Fenwick's Immigration minister that a wave of undocumented male foreigners may soon over burden that tiny country's resources if a similar uniform is issued to their all female border guards.

All the best,
Glenn B



Irish said...

Ill bring my own handcuffs..... ;)

Murphy's Law said...

I think that I would commit a crime just to surrender to her...and bring my own handcuffs.