Saturday, July 25, 2015

An Old Nemesis Has Been Paying Me A Visit...

...thus the lack of blogging yesterday. Gout sucks!

Although it was worse on Thursday (it hit Thursday afternoon lie a ton of bricks from out of the blue) and I did get to blogging then before it hit and then much later that night. Maybe that was because I took about 4 aspirin and only then changed to something for pain relief that was much stronger - Oxycontin. Even a couple of them did not quell all of the pain but it did make me feel good enough to hobble around just a bit. I can only imagine how bad it would have been on Thursday had I not taken it the pain pills.

As for yesterday, I was just not in the mood yesterday as it was still pretty bad. Day two of agony with each step did not have me in the mood for much except sitting. My wife did get to the pharmacy to pick up my refill for colchicine and that helped some. I got outside for a bit and did some small bit of gardening, then back inside to make some fresh salsa mostly from ingredients grown in the garden, then sitting on my arse wishing I could have a beer but there is no way I am about to have one for at least the next week or two. I may even cut out beer altogether as I recently saw medical information saying that beer is usually the worst type of alcohol to drink when one has gout. Wine is no friend of wine either. I have pretty much cut out red wine too and find it no coincidence that I had two glasses of it on Wednesday and then had a flare up on Thursday. I had thought that by now the allopurinol had stopped the flare-ups but I was wrong and found out the hard way. The thing is, you usually can drink again once allopurinol has taken full effect but since it often worsens gout attacks for several months after you start taking it. I guess I have to give it more time, I have only been taking it for three months now.

Oh well, life goes on and yesterday and today I at least could make it up one flight of stairs from the basement to the first floor as opposed to Thursday afternoon when I made it 3/4 of the way, had to sit down, then work my way back downstairs step by step on my butt. Gout sucks almost as bad as Obama. So, while I am still hobbling around today on a red and swollen foot at least I am hobbling and not moaning in agony with each step.

All the best,
Glenn B

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