Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tomorrow - The Best Holiday of Them All

Remember folks - tomorrow is the best holiday of them all. Why? Even though it's not an official holiday it is the best holiday in my book because I don't need to give gifts, thus I don't need to shop for any gifts, don't have to shop for food,  don't have to cook for guests or do the dishes, don't need to dress up for anyone, don't have to go to services, don't have to put up with any arsehat relatives who come to mooch for holiday dinner and presents, don't have to put up with any guests at all (mainly because virtually no one especially relations would bother celebrating it with me) and I don't have to drive to grandma's house (and back again) or go to see the mother-in-law (well maybe for you, mine lives with me). As opposed to even that other great holiday known as Festivus: you don't need to put up the pole, air grievances or put yourself through any feats of strength.

Yes, tomorrow is my favorite holiday of them all by far because I can celebrate it however the heck I want and so can you. In fact you don't have to celebrate it at all if you don't want to - it's optional. 

All hail the Ground Hog and his shadow! All hail Ground Hog Day!

All the best,
Glenn B


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