Friday, December 26, 2014

I Just Lifted Some 1911 Animations

Was just surfing my blog-roll and felt it imperative that I steal someone else's thunder by pretty much copying what he had posted on his blog and reposting it here. What I stole lifted were these two links to nice animations of a 1911 in action. The first is basically a cutaway view so you see the internal parts as they operate. The second, and much more interesting GIF, is an interactive animation in that you can view a working 1911 as it normally would appear but that one has a twist. The twist is that you can also view the working 1911 as a cutaway in whole or in part (you select which parts to view as a cutaway and there are two different cutaway modes) and to twist it further you can hide parts to be able to see parts that other would not have been seen in their entirety in the cutaway mode. You can play with that one awhile, changing the view numerous ways, to learn about how the 1911 functions. I am not a gunsmith and cannot attest that each and every moving part is shown (from the left side of the pistol) but my guess is that they are there.

A hat tip to New Jovian Thunderbolt for posting these informative links.

All the best,
Glenn B

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