Wednesday, October 1, 2014

She Wasn't Black Like Holder...

...nor was she a known white feminist and radical whacko like Clinton, so I am guessing Obama just told her to get the fuck out without a moment's delay. Oh yeah, then again she had something to do with making sure Obama and his family were safe and secure and that could be another reason she is out. I figure she did not just up and resign on her own but if she did - man oh man do I admire her for it - as in she took responsibility - a concept that seems is all too distant to our president. Why would it impress me if she resigned out of a feeling of taking responsibility for recent Secret Service mishaps? Certainly not because the SS was a failure under her but well, just look at the actions of the man who is responsible for the safety of our nation, our troops, our people and tell me - why has that dirtbag not yet resigned. If she did it on her own, that means she owned up to her agency's failures, Obama is still blaming Bush!

The person I am writing about is Secret Service Director Julia Pierson who resigned today (source) in the face of several blunders on the part of the Secret Service in protecting Obama. Funny that Holder took about 6 years to resign after several screw-ups worse than anything on the part of the Secret Service. In fact, he was in charge of Fast & Furious and a Border Patrol Agent died quite likely because of his blunders as far as I can tell. He was a radical, a black, an outspoken critic of US policy who wanted to change things. Hillary Clinton was likewise except she was a she and was white but certainly she is a radical, is outspoken against US policy and she fucked up royally on Benghazi (and other things) then seemingly lied to us about it and she also fundamentally wants to change America. Obama's cabinet and the rest of his administration is and remains full of appointees like that.

Suddenly though this one appointee is out. So either she had integrity and resigned on her own or Obummer forced her out behind the scenes. Either way, he is allowing her to go without a fuss - without delay - in fact - post haste. Funny isn't it, that when it concerns his personal welfare it is okay to get rid of someone as quickly as possible but when it concerned the welfare of the nation, it seemed in essence to be fuck America, it was, I want it the Obama way as far as the president was concerned and that included holding onto scum like Holder and Clinton for as long as possible.

The true irony is that while Obama claims he wants change for the nation, he apparently wants the status quo for himself as far as Secret Service protection of his lame ass goes; that even though, in my opinion, he has never shown this country even one tenth of the respect that other presidents have shown it. So change for the rest of us is okay, but no change for him, at least as far as Secret Service protection goes regardless of his apparent lack of respect for American values. Remember that when you vote.

All the best,
Glenn B


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