Thursday, October 25, 2012

So My Son Sent Me A Text Message Today About Some Bearded Dragons...

...that someone asked him if we wanted. Brendan said the guy is giving away two bearded dragons, with all the care equipment. He also said they are big. I started to think since they are adults, chances are they are either both females or a sexed pair; males do not do well together in enclosures suitable for the average home. If they are a sexed pair, I envisioned a breeding project in the near future. I figured I can keep them but if they prove to be too much, I can always adopt them out at a Long Island Herpetological Society meeting or at our annual show - they should go 1, 2, 3 at our show. If those fail, there are always the New York Metro Reptile Expos, where the LIHS sometimes has a table, they would adopt out easily there too. Then I thought again that I could keep them for a breeding project and that was it. How could I say no.

So, tomorrow, at an as yet to be determined time, there will be a couple of adult Bearded Dragons arriving at our place with all the necessary care equipment (if anything is missing, I have what is needed anyway). Just what we needed, just like a hole in the head - as the old saying goes. We will then have 5 resident dogs, 2 visiting dogs (here at least half of their time), 6 tortoises, 1 turtle, 3 Crested Geckos, 2 Bearded Dragons (if all goes as planned), 1 toad, and several tropical fish. I should start charging admission to our zoo or at least take donations for their upkeep. Did I mention a possible breeding program with the Bearded Dragons, that might bring in some money. I could sell the babies for $15 to $50 apiece and up depending on their color. With my luck, they will both be males that have been fighting and that have bitten the heck out of each other and have scars and have tail tips or toes missing. Two females, though, would be good maybe even betterthan a sexed pair. I could either trade one for a male or buy a male to put in with both of them. One male with multiple females works fine with Bearded Dragons. What a life.

All the best,
Glenn B

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