Friday, August 14, 2015

Do You Think My Laptop Is Overheating Because...

...I have pictures like this saved on it?



Just wondering!

Source of photos.

All the best,
Glenn B

Blogging Will Be Scarce For Awhile

I am sending in my laptop for inspection and repair. It is running hot enough to cook eggs. Literally, it's sometimes been too hot to hold in as much as the temp at one of the vents was above 160 degrees recently. Programs slow or freeze, in fact the whole damned thing froze a couple or few times over the past week or so. Somehow, luck was on my side when I called this in  to HP, I still had a few days left on my extended warranty. Hopefully, they will fix it right this time.

I will try to blog either using my son's antiquated laptop or using my Samsung Galaxy S6 Active smart phone (if not too much of a pain using that very sensitive keypad). So, just letting you know: at least right now, I have not yet met my demise, I am alive and well, but just not going to be blogging a lot until I get the laptop back. That should be 10-14 business days.

All the best,
Glenn B