Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another Good Reason To Ignore The Pleas Of Beggars... that no good deed goes unpunished. That axiom was all too true in the case of a woman, a passenger in a car in Baltimore, who decided to give some money to another woman who apparently was begging. She rolled down her window to give the other woman some money and a man approached the car and tried to steal her purse. In he altercation, the man reportedly stabbed her in the chest killing her. More at the source.

Predators are opportunistic folks and if you give them the opportunity, they will strike. My advice, when you find yourself in a similar situation, ignore the beggars pleas for cash and get away from them as quickly as possible while remaining aware of them and others around you. Of course, another thing comes to mind - be prepared to defend yourselves too.

All the best,
Glenn B


skybill said...

Hi BOOMER!!!!!!!,
Man!!!, You hit the nail on the head!! ... 'Remind's me of a post from Mike's blog "" from 18SEP2016 titled.. The Tueller Drill and the 21 foot rule!!

Bottom line... If I don't "know" you, and you continuously approach me and my "Condition YELLOW" goes to "Bright ORANGE" bordering on "R-E-D-!!!" Be ready to Die!!!
I don't have time to have you fill out a 20 question "Encounter Intent Questionaire!!"

Wal-Mart Parking Lot's seem to be the worst... at least for me....!!

'From the S/E La. Swamps!!!,

Unknown said...

Myself, my ex, and my brother all have personal experiences of beggars becoming mean and nasty. About five years ago I decided not to participate in their schemes.

That is a Rohm .25 caliber. I haz wants.
