Saturday, March 24, 2012

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
An excellent read with a lot of truth to it. If we want to end racism then we had best start treating everyone equally and race baiters had best be made to keep their mouths shut. That can either mean that each time someone believed to be white shoots a black person, blacks can continue to rant, rave and rage against so called racism while being racist themselves but it also means that whites should do likewise each time a white person is shot by a black person. Could you imagine that. If whites did it too, well there would be an awful lot more of protest marches as per the statistics just quoted in the linked piece. Or it could mean, we all start acting sensibly and doing things peacefully and respectfully without race baiting. Sadly, neither the first or second option is likely to happen and the race baiters will just keep being as racist as they can possibly be and they will keep getting the support of the media while doing so because it makes for 'good' press. Sooner or later though, if that keeps up, things will explode one day and it won't be the people who are marching now that set off the powder kegs. We really would be better off without all the race baiting and racism but it almost seems a race war is almost destined to come our way soon if stuff like this keeps up much longer.

Hat tips to Wirecutter and the Feral Irishman, I found the link on both of their sites.

All the best,
Glenn B

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