Monday, December 25, 2006

New Version of Blogger - have any of my readers, who also blog, switched to this?

I was just wondering if any of you who blog on Blogger, have switched to the new version? If so, what do you think of it? Is it better, worse, the same? Is there any real benefit to switching? What is the deal with having to have a Google account? Are you required to have advertisers under the new system?

Any help is appreciated.

Glenn B


AnarchAngel said...

I switcehd a few wees ago, and I'm very happy with it. It works better in general; and spell check finally works, plus they've added categories.

Glenn B said...

I am a bit hesitant to change, though I figure it is probably inevitable because my guess is they will require it sooner or later. I am happy to see it was not just my bumbling ways with the computer that could not get spell check to work on Blogger.

Glenn B