Friday, March 14, 2014

Lost A Decent Knife Today

Shame on me, I lost a knife today due to my own fault. I went out to the NY State office building in Hauppauge this morning for a job interview. I emptied my pockets into the tray to go through security, including a Victorinox Huntsman Swiss Army Knife. The guard told me I could not take it inside. Since I was almost running late for my interview, I think I had all of 4 or 5 minutes to spare, I asked if they would hold it there and he said no. I politely asked again explaining I did not have time to bring it back to my car on the other end of the parking lot because I had an interview; he still refused. I then asked where there was a trash can so  could throw it out and he called over a supervisor to dispose of it. I asked the supervisor if he could just keep it in their office until I returned and he said no that he had to throw it out if I did not want to bring it  back to my car. I let him dispose of it as time was ticking and I did not want to be late for my interview (the potential of getting the job being worth more).

I should note that I had also asked if I could go through the trash to retrieve it, after my interview but he was adamant I could not look for it and they could not be held responsible for it. Oh well, force of habit had me stick it in my pocket this morning. Live and learn by way of wake up calls and screw-ups like this one.

Since it was the version with the corkscrew, as opposed to my other Huntsman without the corkscrew (BSA version lacks the corkscrew), I will have to order another so as to have the one with that vital piece of hardware.

All the best,
Glenn B


Phil said...


I got threatened with a Federal offense for even having a tiny pocket knife in my pocket inside the front door of IRS building I had to go to for work one day.

They freaked out when I showed them the crescent wrench and screwdriver in my back pocket and almost arrested me for my work cell phone.

Fucking dicks man. They finally let me back out the damn door so I could put it all in the truck.

The best part was when I finally got in the office to fix their problem and I had no tools.

Back to the truck and I got to thumb my nose at the pricks because the Big Boss escorted me back in.

Then there was the time I forgot I had a flask full of whiskey inside my coat pocket, again at the IRS in a different city.

Almost got arrested again for that one. They had to write up an incident report and everything.


Glenn B said...

I don't know why they would bother and fuss about the whiskey as long as it wasn't moonshine. I would bet there is a lot of it in the building already.