Friday, June 27, 2014

I Arrested Plenty Of Aliens... my 32 plus years in federal law enforcement, most from Mexico but also many others from many places around the world like: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Canada, Germany, England, Greece, Thailand, China, Vietnam and from other exotic places. None of the places they were from were quite as exotic as the place that Calquan Dion Burr reportedly said he was from. When he was arrested by Sheriff’s from Muskegon County, Michigan for assault and destruction of police property (after he allegedly threw himself on top of a police car) he told the police he was from a far away place and that place may be a bit more exotic than the typical address for a guy arrested by earthly police. Zoltron, the place he reportedly claimed to be from, is supposedly another planet. I have arrested some far out dudes but never one from as far out as this guy claims to be. More here. If they have landed, all I can say is that I am happy to be retired.

That is all,

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