Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Aaaaarrrrrggggghh - What Have I Done Selling 22LR Ammo???????

I sold 2,325 rounds of 22LR today for just under 7.8 cents per round. I must be out of my mind! Why on earth or in the universe would I do that? I have seller's remorse already or no maybe I don't.

I am kind of stoked looking forward to maybe getting a particular new rifle (if you read this before you know I edited it and that's because of something I mention in my very next post) that I am hoping on purchasing with the cash I have brought in selling some ammo and guns recently and the money I had in my change & dollar bill jar. I am also hoping for a bit more to come in from another gun sale but am not depending on that because it's not in hand yet.

All the best,