Here is the full text of an email I just received, minutes ago, from Bob S. about the Holiday packages we sent to him.
"We all wanted to express our deepest and sicerest Thank You for the the wounderful things you have sent us. We have tried the crockpot several times already. It has made chicken, ramen noodle, and vegetable stew and today it made ham, steak, mushrooms, rice and jalepeno pepper stew. The weather has been in the high 20s in the morning and maybe mid 40s during the day. It smells really good coming into the office during the day for lunch and smell the "homemade bachelor away from home smell what is cooking today?" We have others that tend to come to our office just to see what good stuff we have cooking or available to put in their pocket for snacks. Many soldiers come by our office to see if we have anything good to eat instead of going to the mess hall. We have a bread maker that has made many loaves of various types of bread.The many things you all sent has made many people happy and has reinforced many friendships. We all appreciate your support to all of us here and THNAK YOU.Wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year."
It sounds to me as if our contributions and the items we sent have made a smash for Bob, his unit, and apparently some soldiers from other units. Folks you did a nice and good thing. I sent Bob a reply email today with the names of each and everyone of you who contributed and made this possible. He already knew it was a group effort, but I wanted to make sure he had your names to make it more personal for the holidays.
I also asked him to make sure to tell me if he received the boxes with the knives, and the flashlights, just want to make sure they received everything. When I hear more from him on this, I'll let you know.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year,
Glenn B