Monday, September 23, 2024

Reality Show Personalties

I watch what I guess are considered reality shows; although I am pretty sure some of them are based on pure set up bullshit (and that like virtually everything I write in this entire post about the shows and their characters is based on my opinion). Now mind you, I do not watch many reality shows and those I watch are limited to my interests. One reason I do not watch many is pretty much due to the fact that the liberal hollyweird types that I guess make the shows consider them reality when in truth, I believe some of them, if not all, are as far from reality as is possible. 
The prime example of that last thought, for me, would be the one I believe was the original 'reality' show - The Real World. Based on episodes of that show, my daughter based her demands that I either send her to Boston University or Boston College for her college education. That was a long time ago but was still 40K per year for at least one of them. When I explained to her we could not afford it, she flipped out and told me I was a terrible father/provider and that it was my obligation as a father to send her to one of those schools because the parents of the college kids on The Real World had sent their kids to such expensive schools. It was a show that I figure started the whole spoiled brat movement back then. It wound up my daughter went to a college under the State University of NY and yes, I paid for it including room & board. That was okay, 40K per year was not. The kicker was that years later, when she was paying for graduate school on her own dime - she told me that I had been right about college and that the Real World had been full of shit just as I had told her when she as in high school. She had matured up nicely to have told me that!
Well, since then I have watched several other so called reality shows, some more phony than others and a certain few that may actually have been fact based (note I said may have been fact based not are or were fact based). The ones I liked have always centered around my interests: I like shooting and collecting guns (have a small collection), I like fishing (or did years ago, probably would still enjoy if if I ever get my fat arse to a river, lake, pond or stream again), I like hunting, I like finding neat old things old things that are worth more than I paid out for them (have ever since I was very young). So I have watched shows like Antiques Roadshow (UK & US versions - man they find nice very old stuff in the UK), American Pickers, Down East Dickering (one of my favorites shows, sadly only two seasons), Cajun Pawn Stars (I was planning a visit but when I checked Google maps about a year ago, I found out that the place had closed down.That was due to Jimmie DeRamus, aka: Big Daddy, passing on back in July 2023.), Pawn Stars, Pawnography, Storage Wars, Storage Wars TX, Sons of Guns and so on. Every now and again, I watch a show about hunting or fishing but Outdoor Life, Field & Stream and Sports Afield were my go to sources for hunting and fishing info when I was a youngster.
In watching all of those shows and a few others, I soon realized that there was one character out of all those shows who I feel is not only a man of many annoying habits but who also repulses me. In fact, in reruns of his show on the Roku channel, he sickens me in almost every edition of Pawn Stars each time I see them. If you have not guessed, that person is Rick Harrison - the bald dude/owner of the shop on Pawn Stars. I think his most annoying habits are telling people 'it's a fair price or deal' when I think it is not, his being a lowballer all too often in my estimation, the many times (if not every time,) he loudly exhales as if greatly exasperated when someone tells him the price they want for an item, his calling in his 'buddies or friends' to give estimates of worth on items (really is he calling in friends to give objective opinions on value, I would think the friendships would be a major conflict of interests), the way he seemingly treats employees and family, and what I think is his incessant self gratifying type laugh at things he says and that he seems to find funny but that in my estimation are only rarely funny and then only in the least imaginable amount but that I also think usually are not funny at all in my opinion. 
Yes, I understand he just endorsed Donald Trump but that may be one of his infrequent good points in my opinion. Mostly, as I see him, the guy is terribly arrogant and is a pompously self aggrandizing bore who believes himself to be more intelligent and knowledgeable than almost anyone else in his family or in his employ even when he seems to be wrong. Of course, it could all be an act but his facial features, his actions, his posturing and business etiquette all lead me to believe that for the most part, when it comes to his personality, he is not acting. Then again - who knows he could be the nicest guy ever but his TV persona is horrendous and truly annoying as I see it.
There have been some others who have driven me to being annoyed such as Frank on American Pickers - talk about being cheap, he certainly seemed to be a tightwad to me; then there was Johnnie DeRamus also a seemingly pompous arrogant type always ready to be, if not actually, low-balling a customer in my estimation; and the dude on Antiques Road Show who apparently was the poster expert and who wore what I though were the weird suits (that guy just creeped me out). One other guy, whom I believe is almost as annoying as Rick is Dave Hester of Storage Wars; if he, in real life, is half as much the way he is or acts on Storage Wars - then I think he is a nasty piece of work. Again, that may all be an act but I tend to think it would be an acting marvel for him to come off like that if his real personality was much different than that on the show.
Still though, I watch those shows. Regardless as to whether or not they are all staged or for real, and regardless of some of the characters annoying traits, I like shows like: American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, and Down East Dickering not because I think they actually find all that stuff without it being set up in advance but because I like the items they highlight on the shows and like learning about them. As for Down East Dickering, there actually is an Uncle Henry's (their treasure hunting bible, so to speak) published in paper format and online - so at least that is real but who knows maybe - just maybe - all of it is real on all of those shows but I doubt it.
Of all my interests other than family, the strongest probably has to do with guns & shooting. Yet, the odd thing there is, I watched reality shows related to guns least of all. Maybe that is because I have received a lot of real world training and real world experience that includes hunting with them, as an amateur collector and also as a armed professional in federal law enforcement for 32 years, including 16 years of collateral duties as a firearms instructor, and many years as a Glock Armorer. 
Still though, I watch them as if addicted - not so much to the shows but to hoping to find another rare treasure or three for myself. When it comes to guns, I have found some good ones at good bargain prices over the years but I also suffer from seller's remorse after having sold almost all of them sooner or later. My biggest regret in that regard was selling a Marlin 1936 in excellent condition including the case colored receiver. It was the nicest gun I have ever owned, and believe me the photos do not do it justice, the case color as amazing). Like a fool I sold it.

The thing these shows give me, besides some knowledge about collectibles, is hope that I will again find some treasure at a great price. Believe me, if I ever find a Marlin 1936 in similar condition as the one I sold, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if the price is right and this time I very much doubt I'd sell it.

All the best,
Glenn B