Friday, July 27, 2007

Mindless Scribbling of an Insomniac... about to grace this page.

I had some great nights' and days' sleep over the last week and a half when i was down with bronchitis. Now that I am feeling about 85-90% again, I am finding it hard to sleep through the night, or to even fall asleep. So for the last hour or so I have been playing solitaire, reading blogs, and looking at Tag Sale and estate Sale advertisements in the local paper. If I ever get some sleep tonight, when I awaken in the morning (heck I see it is already about an hour into the AM) I will be off to enjoy tearing through someone else's treasures and junk - looking for that find of a lifetime. I don't know what it is about tag sales (not garage sales, but sales in which the entire, or just about the entire, contents of a house are for sale) except maybe that I have bought some 'needful things' in the past that have somehow wound up making me a huge return on my measly investments when I resold them on eBay. I imagine, hypothetically of course, that if I have spent a few hundred dollars on items at tag sales, I have made back at least three to four times the amount. Who knows, but maybe after using all the gas, and after all the wear and tear on my car, I actually may have broken even - almost. It is all for fun, so off I'll probably go when the sun is up.

All the best,
Glenn b