Thursday, September 26, 2024

Not A Good Day For Gun Stuff

 A while back, I ordered two Henry Golden Boy U.S. Border patrol Commemorative Rifles. Probably the most experience guns I have ever purchased bar none. When I received them, I was disappointed to say the least, the brass receivers on both had some small black spots and the wood finish on each was missing at one spot (same spot on each) and one of them had other flaws in the wood finish. So I contacted Henry customer service and their first rep told me to buy something called Flitz and to polish the brass with it, and they would send me new wood to replace the stock on one and forearms on both. I got pissed. I contacted them again and they said send em in which was better in my view at the time. I shipped em out via a UPS store with shipping labels supplied by Henry.
Two days ago, I received one of the rifles back via UPS. The other did not arrive by today so I checked tracking for it. Tracking says it is sitting here in Texarkana, AR - never got any further. I went to the UPS store, they could not help except to say maybe the label fell off and the box is at their lost & found in Kentucky. I contacted Henry CS, the and their rep said she is looking into it and will try to find out from UPS if they are holding it. If it is lost or stolen (as I suspect) she said Henry will send me another one. The thing is, these were a birthday present to me from me. The one that is missing has a serial number ending in 69 - guess which birthday is my imminent one! Yep, you guessed, that'll be my age very soon- so that one was kind of special for me.
If they find it still in the shipping box undamaged by any mishaps at UPS or in other words in the same condition as when shipped, I will be ecstatic.
Add to that, I just picked up the High Standard Supermatic Tournament Model 107 Military from my FFL today. I had the high bid on it at an online auction about two weeks ago. It has been sitting at my FFL since the 23rd because I only got the tracking number for it today, once I checked it I saw it had been delivered. The pistol itself looked nice at first glance but I also immediately noticed something was not right with a major parts, those parts being the two magazines that came with it. They are both what I am 99.9% certain are Triple K mags (aka: crapola - my estimation of Triple K's products after having a few that did not fit the guns they were made for properly, out of several I have purchased). Before the auction, I sent the auctioneer an email asking for the condition of the guns I wanted to bid on, the reply was that this one was in 95% condition but it did not mention that the mags were aftermarket. That was very, very, very disappointing as the OEM mags are difficult to come by at best and cost a lot of money on top of that. My guess is an original, if I can find one, will be at or over $100.00. (If any of my readers has one to sell, please let me know.)
Next up is that the package containing non-firearms items, from the same auction is due to be delivered to my address by 7PM my time. The thing with that is all of my packages sent via UPS are supposed to go to the UPS store (firearms are excluded and have to come to my address for my signature). As I said though no firearms are in this shipment, just some ammo, books and other stuff. Now, I have to wait at my apartment for the box because if they leave it on my doorstep, I am guessing one of the porch pirates who lives nearby will take advantage of the opportunity to grab it if I am not here to receive it.
Harketh -  my mongrel just had barketh a minute or two ago as I finished the prior paragraph. I looked outside and there was the UPS guy about to drive away in his truck after dropping off a box across the street. I called out and asked if he had one for me. The addresses of my duplex are way off in number from all other addresses on this block so he thought my place was further one. Anyway, he sad yes he had it. Small wonder something went right today relative to my orders and I am thankful for that and thankful to Skye my pooch for sounding the alarm. Hopefully everything I ordered is in the box, will check that later. Before looking in the box, we will be off to the dog park because my UPS alarm deserves to have some fun after letting me know the UPS guy was here. She does not bark for many things but she always barks when UPS comes by, sometimes even when half a block away and when they do not even make a stop near our place.
Now if only they find my rifle and I can find an original mag for the High Standard. 
All the best,
Glenn B

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