Saturday, September 28, 2024

It Has Been A Weird Three Days For My Gun Stuff

 In my post immediately prior to this one, I described a couple of things that made me an unhappy camper so to speak. The big one was that a Henry U.S. Border Patrol commemorative rifle, that I had shipped via UPS, back to Henry for warranty repair had not been received by Henry. A second one, both of them having been shipped to Henry on August 30th, had already been returned to me. So, two days ago, I go in touch with the UPS store where I had dropped them off, the supervisor there told me it was shown as in Texarkana, AR and said it must be at the UPS Customer Center there. I asked him to call to verify that and he refused. I asked for the phone number there, he said they would not answer if I called! I also contacted Henry and the customer service rep there, with whom I had been dealing since July, confirmed it was never received by Henry and she would inquire of UPS.
Yesterday, the Henry customer service rep, called me. She told me the rifle had been found. Here is when, how and by whom it was found:

This is one of the weirdest stories I have heard in years. The customer service lady from Henry called me up and am I very happy? In fact, you can safely bet yes I am. She told me that a man who lives in Maryland called Henry yesterday and it just happened to be her who answered the phone. As I said, she is the same lady I have been dealing with all along from customer service. The man's story was this: He is a contractor who was doing work At the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texarkana, Texas. When the job was done the workers took all the remaining boxes of parts and signs and whatever else they were using that was left over, loaded it all into his truck and he drove back to Maryland. When he got there and opened the boxes, he found the rifle. There was no UPS shipping label on the box. All that was written on the box was "Texarkana, TX". He was shocked to say the least when he saw the box contained the gun. When he saw the Henry box inside the outer shipping box, he called Henry and as I said, he got the same customer service lady with whom I have been dealing and who had been searching, since the 26th, for the rifle. He explained that all to her. She sent him a UPS label so he can send it directly to Henry. 

She told him the rifle was special to me because I had essentially bought it as an early birthday present for myself and that I will soon be 69 years old. She also told him the serial number coincidentally ended in 69 and that made it special for me. He told her there was no way that he could screw over someone who had protected our borders once he saw it was a USBP commemorative and agreed to send it to Henry. When Henry gets it, if not lost again, they will do the minor cosmetic warranty work and then return it to me overnight express. I can only hope it does not go astray again.

I have since been in touch with the gentleman. I sent him an email thanking him. I also sent him $50.00 Amazon gift card because he did the right thing and as I told him -  one good turn deserves another. I would not have lost a penny had the rifle never been found because the Henry rep told me they would send me another to replace it, but it was sure nice they found the one of the two I had purchased that I wanted to keep being the serial number's last two digits matched my soon to be age. He said he had no clue how it wound up with the other items UPS had delivered for the renovation job he was handling at Cracker barrel. Regardless of how it happened, I am very happy he was the one who found it. I am also very happy he was not stopped for speeding, or anything else in MD, because if the car had been searched - how would he have explained the rifle in such an unfriendly anti-gun state. No cop would believe him when he told them he had no idea how it wound up among the other items from the renovation in his trunk. Sometimes things that go wrong eventually just work out fine and this has been one of them so far. Let's wait and see though if I ever actually see that rifle again😐.

It truly is nice to see there are some honest people in the world who are willing to do the right thing. Had some libturd found it, it may have wound up as seized property or thrown into the Atlantic ocean. Had a thug found it, it may have wound up being used to injure or kill an innocent person. Who knows what would have happened if some leftist psycho had found it - may have used it to try to assassinate President Trump the way things have been going as of late. As it is now, Henry plans to do the small cosmetic repairs it needs and the rep said she will have it shipped by way of overnight delivery to me.

It certainly was weird (almost Twilight Zone weird) but it also most assuredly made my day, heck it made my month, the way it has worked out so far.

All the best,
Glenn B

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