Thursday, June 20, 2024

Betetta Model 3032 Tomcat, Inox Finish

 A brief video showing the unboxing of the latest addition to my pistol collection - a Beretta Model 3032 Tomcat with an Inox finish. I hope to get a bit of shooting enjoyment out of this one. If I decide to carry it, it will serve as a back up to my current every day carry pistol a Glock 26. The thing is though I have the perfect backup pistol to match to my Glock 26, that backup is a second Glock 26. It obviously uses the same mags, has all the same exact controls on it, fits well in concealment and thus makes the perfect backup pistol to my EDC. Anyway, if I ever have a need for a second backup it may well be this Beretta.
Edited To Add: The video was deleted because as my ever watchful son pointed out, I showed the invoice and the invoice showed my home address. I'll post a new video when I get the chance. Now, anyone who saw the address can always come to visit me but I recommend letting me know ahead of time and coming during daylight hours after me telling you it's okay to stop by. Coming in the dark hours unannounced - well you do so at your own risk ;>)

Wow two videos added to YouTube in a single day, I must be on a roll.
Hat tip to Mike G about the info on this model having problems with cracked slides, current info is that the problem was resolved but as you learn in the video Beretta is still recommending against higher velocity/higher muzzle energy ammo.
All the best,
Glenn  B

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