Thursday, June 20, 2024

Some Tips On Slide Activation With a Glock Pistol

 This is a video I made, according to my info on the file on my laptop back in December 1979. I only got a Glock 17, the pistol shown in the video in December 2017; so either the date is wrong or I traveled back in time without knowing it to make the embedded video. Regardless this shows three different ways to activate a Glock slide (and many other pistol slides) to load or unload it as necessary in a combat situation or even merely at the range or at home. There are many other ways to activate a slide, the ones are show are common methods used when both of your hands/arms are fully functional. Someday I may do a video on various ways to operate the slide when only one of your hands is functional (for instance the other hand is badly injured) but I'll need to recruit someone, like my son, to film when I handle the pistol for that type of racking the slide. Anyway, enjoy the video at hand (no pun intended or was it);>)

All the best,
Glenn B

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