Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Thanksgiving Wish

I send out to all - U.S. citizens; legal immigrant aliens to the U.S.; legal non-immigrants within the U.S.; those who work hard for a living and pay their taxes; those who are retired from years of working hard; those who are on public assistance and truly need it to survive because for some valid reason you cannot work; those who work hard but do not make enough and honestly need public assistance such as food stamps; the old, the middle aged & young; both the healthy & infirm; those of every race & creed & even atheists as nonbelief is a creed of sorts; those of every natural 
gender (male, female or hermaphrodite); those who know both who & what they are; those who accept themselves for what they are while living life to the best of their ability and striving to really better themselves; the truly tolerant (not those who necessarily find everything to be 100% acceptable but who put up with (as in tolerate) those who are diverse including those to the extreme even while vehemently disagreeing with them; all Americans who strive for unity within our great nation regardless of the diversity of our people; those who admit this is most likely the freest and greatest country on the planet; they who respect our values and strive to become and or remain good hardworking and loyal American citizens - a wish for a very Happy Thanksgiving and a reminder to be very thankful for the good things we have. 

Happy Thanksgiving,
Glenn B

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