Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tyranny - Nothing More and Nothing Less

Where does it come from? From the Obama administration and from one of the most useless agencies of all time, the EPA.


Why this has only been reported on now in 2012 when it happened in 2010, maybe because of the upcoming election and maybe because the video was just made public. Whatever, the reason for the timing, it does not lessen the fact that what was described, in essence as being the policy that the EPA should follow as to enforcement of EPA regulations, is nothing less than Tyranny! No mention of due process, no mention of having a  mere suspicion that a regulation has been violated,  no mention or indication that the Constitution will followed, only the threat that the EPA enforcement division will "crucify", at random, companies or individuals as alleged violators all to set an example to others! The man who said this, in my opinion, needs to be investigated, brought up on charges, jailed and fired.

I have never heard a more nefarious violation of government ethics, proclaiming the use of tyranny, by a self righteous and obviously pompous U.S. arsehat bureaucrat in my lifetime.

All the best,
Glenn B

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