Okay folks here it is, the not so long awaited, brand spanking new, Ballseye's Firearms' Accessories Tournament in which maybe you can win the prize. To enter the contest you must comply with all particular rules as found in this particular blog post, and all general contest rules at: http://ballseyesboomers.blogspot.com/2008/10/ballseyes-firearms-accessories.html.
Ballseye's Firearms' Accessories Tournament #1 (aka: the contest) is as follows:

Note: You are only getting a view of part of the item, and it may or may not be true to color due to camera quirks and or flash quirks. The answer must tell me what is the entire item disregarding any extraneous inclusion in the pic that is not gun related, and regardless of any distortion in the photo. There are no intentional distortions. Any distortions, such as the color thing I just mentioned are inadvertent. By the way, maybe that is a hint that the color, or at least some of it, did not come out right.
Entry must be in understandable English, that I understand (no foul language permitted, keep it clean and courteous please).
This contest opens upon my publication of this post to my blog, and it closes on Saturday October 25, 2008 at 11:59 PM my time. I am in NY near NY City, you figure it out as compared to your time. All entries must be received by 11:59 PM on October 25, 2008. I will announce the winner, if any, on or about Sunday October 26, 2008 or as soon after as is practical for me to do so.
There is no entry fee, and there is no postage or shipping fee for the prize in this particular contest if a prize is awarded.

All general contest rules apply as are posted in the link at the top right side of my blog and at http://ballseyesboomers.blogspot.com/2008/10/ballseyes-firearms-accessories.html. Remember as per the general rules only one entry per person, so give it some thought before answering.
Good luck.
All the best,
Glenn B
Looks like a Remington choke tube insert.
Good post.
Well here I am at 0738 in the AM the morning after I posted this contest, and I find I have to cancel this contest. Why? The very first reply I get is in the form of a comment to my blog instead of an email as in the rules. Sorry but it defeats the whole purpose of me having asked folks to email me with their answers, and makes this less of a competition if you post your answer as a blog comment for all to see. If you allow everyone else to see your answer they can now copy it if they want, and that would not be fair to others who play by the rules. I suppose I should have figured this would have happened what with blog having a comments section.
Contest Cancelled. I'll try again.
hey why not make comments go for moderation when you do contests...therefore you control forgetful responders!
Okay, according to a post by Netpackrat at The Gun Counter forums, he was not entering the contest and just wanted to give it his best guss. So in essence I suppose the rules were not violated technically, but I think the spirit of the contest was violated. So I am sticking with the cancellation of contest 1, and with starting a new version 1.1, see my blog.
My apology to Netpackrat, I was apparently incorrect in saying that the rules were violated.
All the best,
Glenn B
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