Friday, December 15, 2006

Friendships can start in the strangest ways...

..and yet they are indeed friendships.

I used to have a lot of friends. Then I got married! Ha ha.

As things would have it I have not seen some of my friends pretty much since a year or so after my marriage some 20 plus years ago. It is not that they are no longer my friends, but some of them got married to and got busy with the real world, with careers, with families, and such just like me. Since we moved away from the old neighborhood, I sometimes go back and visit and see some of my old friends. It is always very nice to see them.

I also have some friends at work. Not many coworkers are folks I truly call friends though, but the few who are my friends know it; and I know they feel likewise toward me. As far as new friends outside of work go, well I have not really made many since we have lived in our house on Long Island over the past 12 or 13 years. Sure I am friendly with my neighbors, but heck I hardly ever see them socially, what with work and family and such. Yet a couple or a few are good friends.

As far as new friends outside of work, and outside of my neighbors go, I have made new friends at the
Long Island Herpetological Society over the years. They are great folks. I see them every now and then, about 12 - 15 times per year. Other than that I have made no new friends, not at the firearms range, not while out fishing, not in a local store, not at sporting events when I was the coach for my childrens' teams, not anywhere really - that is until recently.

Not too long ago, while perusing a web site, I saw that someone needed or wanted to have a pet snake sexed. Strange thing indeed if you do not keep snakes as pets, but par for the course for me. Keeping reptiles and amphibians is a passion of mine. I wrote an email and soon got a reply. Shortly after emailing back and forth a few times, I visited the apartment of two young ladies and a young man, all roomates. One of the young ladies had a corn snake that needed sexing. It was a boy for sure. The other young lady had a snake that was not eating. It has been a few weeks now since we first met. I have been to their place 4 or 5 times (always with a boyfriend of theirs present) to help them out. The little gal, a Dekay's Snake (Northern Brown Snake - I think) finally ate last night, and I got a call today from the happy lady who owned her telling me so.

I am sure I have made a few new friends. It is nice to make friends no matter the circumstances under which you meet; so nice that you should never take friendship for granted. Of course you sometimes may take friends for granted and not treat them as friends should be treated. One set of friendships you should never take for granted is the friendship of your own family. Remember above all they are, or should be, your best friends. But make sure to keep some room for other friends too, even for unexpected new ones.

All the best,
Glenn B

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