Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Some More Talk About 69...

 ...and no I am not talking about my favorite position for sex. If you read a couple of my recent posts, you know I will soon be 69, you will also know that a rifle I sent in for warranty repair was lost in shipment by UPS. It was miraculously found by a contractor from Maryland who had been doing work in my town in Arkansas - apparently delivered to the place he was doing work on and which he thought to be a box of left over parts. Well he opened it in MD, saw it was a rifle and called the manufacturer about it, their customer service had already been searching for it for me. Thing was I wanted it back badly because the serial number ended in 69 and I bought it as an early birthday gift for myself. 
Well, 69 has been lucky for me again. I have been buying scratch off lottery tickets three or four time a week and the only two I have purchased, all at the same local shop, have been numbers 6 and 9 s they have them numbered in that shop. I hit for $40 on three tickets so won a whopping $10 above what I spent on them. Then yesterday, I bought number 6 and number 9 again. I started scratching off the stuff on one of them and saw a cash bag, that meant I had hit for $100.00, then as I kept scratching, I kept seeing more cash bags, there were five in all. All in all, that one ticket was a $500 winner. Yeeha, whoopee, hip hip hooray, happy birthday to me or whatever! 
Either that money will go into my bank account being that I just paid off my next year of auto and renter's insurance (ouch, it was a lot more than $500.00) or a new gun may be on order soon. Then again a thousand rounds of 5.56x45mm or 7.62x39mm ammo may be coming my way.Of course, I may decide to go on a road trip to a casino and play some poker - who knows I may win more or lose it all. Decisions, decisions.
All the best,
Glenn B