Sunday, September 15, 2024

What Will Be The Libs Excuse This Time?

Last time they said it was a set up by the Trump team, that he was shot and injured. So, what will they say this time - yes another attempt seems to have been made to kill The Donald (more at the source) - especially in light of the fact the suspected assassin maybe did not fire and was thwarted by a Secret Service agent firing at him. Are they going to explain it as a guy taking his AK47 for a walk or as a guy taking aim through the golf course fence to shoot squirrels or golf balls or the guy thinking he was at the firing range. You know whatever they come up with will be pure balderdash. Just like when they say it is MAGA and Trump trying to destroy "democracy" (actually a constitutional Republic but what do leftists care if they get it wrong). The left is like thousands of assassins hiding in ambush and waiting to strike and the Trump campaign trail like a walk through enemy territory which Trump must tread; yet, Trump carries on and that can only be because he loves the USA.

All the best and vote Trump,

Glenn B

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