Sunday, September 1, 2024

It's Been Awhile Since My Last Post...

 ...and I suspect having a fungal infection inside my guts is at least partly the cause of my slacking off. Plus I have just been diagnosed with diabetes;however, since I was eating much more healthy foods in the month for which I" as tested, I kind of, sort of, almost definitely believe that the fungal infection may have screwed up those results although my doc tells me that is impossible. I have been told several times before, by doctors, that something as impossible only to have them proven wrong each and every time;so, I am hopeful I am not actually diabetic. I did get some good news in there. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy in the last two weeks and was told no polyps and no infection but they did not test for the fungus. Go figure. There was a red irritated patch inside my stomach on which they said they performed biopsies but everything was negative but again they did not test it for the fungus. Doctors can be idiots.
I have taken enough anti-fungal meds by now to kill a rhino or destroy my liver. Yet, I still have the infection as far as my visits to the throne would indicate. I have another weeks or ten days worth to take and hopefully will be better by then, This is one of those things that is very difficult to defeat. I hate the idea of being eaten alive by a fungus so I sure hope it works.
Too bad it is not psilocybin growing in my gut, at least that way I could enjoy the trip.

All the best,
Glenn B


riverrider said...

ivermectin bro. seriously.

paul said...

Seconded on the ivermectin. Good info here: